{{ block.copy | retcon([ ['change', 'h1', 'h2'], ['attr', 'strong', { class: 'font-bold text-blackBrand' }, false], ['attr', 'h2', { class: 'text-3xl text-blackBrand' }, false], ['attr', 'h2 + h3', { class: 'h3-big' }, false], ['attr', 'span.open-popup', { class: 'text-blueBrand-dark cursor-pointer font-bold', 'x-on:click':'isPopupOpen = true' }, false], ['attr', 'li', { class: 'not-italic mb-3' }, false] ]) }}
{# check if popup is in use #} {% if block.popUp is defined and block.popUp|length %}
{# use retcon to add an alpine directive 'x-on:click' to close the mobile on submit #} {{ block.popUp|raw| retcon([ ['attr', 'input[type="submit"]', { class: '', 'x-on:click': 'isPopupOpen = false' }, false] ]) }}
{% endif %}