SEOmatic a Review
SEOmatic is a plugin for Craft CMS that as the name suggests handles SEO for your site, entries and pages. SEOmatic is a free open source addon available on github by Andrew Welch of nystudio107.
SEOmatic is a plugin for Craft CMS that as the name suggests handles SEO for your site, entries and pages. SEOmatic is a free open source addon available on github by Andrew Welch of nystudio107.
Setting up SEO fields with Craft is not a difficult task, but SEOmatic makes it ridiculously easy and takes all the work out of setting up Open Graph tags, Twitter cards, JSON-LD microdata, Dublin Core metadata in addition to HTML meta tags.
To accomplish this in SEOmatic all you need to do is install the addon and then fill out the various fields in the Site Meta, Site Identity, Social Media and Site Creator tabs within the SEOmatic plugin page. There is a lot of options here but SEOmatic is smart and will only output tags for what has been completed.
Now add this code to your <head> tag.
{% hook 'seomaticRender' %}
And your default SEO is set up and will appear on every page of your site. Adding custom SEO to your individual entries across the site is also simple. Go to Settings > Fields and create a new field with fieldtype set to SEOmatic Meta and add it to your field layout. Within this field you have several options you can set defaults for including:
- SEO Title
- SEO Description
- SEO Keywords
- SEO Image
- Twitter Card Type
- Titter Card Image
- Open Graph Type
- Open Graph Image
- Default Robots Meta Tag
Each of the above options can also be set so your client is able to change them or not. For example for SEO Image I set the Post Image as the default but allow the client to upload a different image if they wish. This way the image is always set but if they want a different one then that can be changed. By default SEOmatic will use the SEO image for the Twitter Card and Open Graph Image if those are not set.

Template Meta
If you happen to have a page on your site that isn't managed by an entry, for example the Contact Page or a blog landing page, SEOmatic has you covered with Template Meta. When you create a Template Meta you have all of the options from the SEOmatic Meta field plus two more. The first is the title of the Meta Template and the second is a path to the existing template. SEOmatic uses the path setting in order to override the defaults on that particular template. Dead easy.
I've worked in other CMSs with SEO and for anything more than your basic meta title, meta description and meta keywords there is a lot of work to get it set up and working correctly. With SEOmatic install the plug, configure some settings and your client can begin publishing content that is fully optimized for SEO.
Take a look at the source code for this page and you'll see that the one line of code I added to the head tab outputs about 70 lines of SEO goodness. Check the SEOmatic docs for everything this powerful, and free, addon can do for your CraftCMS powered sites.
Hands down the simplest way to get your client sites SEO ready when using CraftCMS.