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Website CMS User Manual for End Users

When a web developer or agency delivers a brand new shiny website to a client, they provide training on how to update the content. This often includes a pdf guide, screen recordings, or in person training. This is perfect for when the site is first delivered.

However over time due to staff turnover, changes to the website, or a misplaced pdf user manual, staff may not know how to properly create and edit content. This can result in stale content or regular requests to your web developer or agency slowing down the ability to update content in a timely manner.

The Solution: User Manual inside the CMS

The user manual I provide for clients is essentially a mini website inside the control panel. This makes it easy for users to easily reference the user guide when needed.

User Manual

User Manual Welcome page

The user manual is custom for each client including screenshots and video where video makes more sense than text and images. For example, I provided a screen recording to demonstrate Live Preview, Drafts, and how to share unpublished entries for review by colleagues - essentially a publish workflow.

User Manual Screen Recording

Screen Recording

Additionally videos come with a download option so that users can watch the video on another monitor or device while continuing to work on the website.

Do you need a website guide? Let's work together

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